A Book, a Bath, & a Blog

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

It did not take long for me to remember how great a little soak in the tub soothes the soul.

I got my homemade cinnamon latte, my bath bubbles, my jams, and my newest read IT by Alexa Chung {as you can full well see}

I obviously knew of Alexa before buying this book but I didn't know enough about her to be all crazy in love; she was just a famous person I had heard of and seen before but nothing special.  Now, holding this book in my hand, I have changed my mind.  She is freaking awesome!

She's just cool, I don't know how else to put it.  I love the way she has made a mark on the fashion industry with her style and beauty without letting her modelling career take over her personality.  Not that I know her personally or anything, so my opinion is pretty much based on photos and videos and her writing.  Her writing!  From modelling to writing?  Talk about beauty and brains.  

Sophisticated, smart, stylish.  That's all I have to say at the moment.

Cool beans.  Maybe I'll post a reading list one day.

Love you and live good.

xo B

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